
You can configure Cromwell settings either through configuration files or the Java command line.

Check out the tutorial on How to Configure Cromwell for more information.

Configuration examples

You can find a description of options and example stanzas in the Cromwell Example Configuration, along with backend provider examples in the Example Providers Folder.

Custom configuration files

You write configuration files in HOCON.

To run using your configuration file, you should copy relevant stanzas from cromwell.examples.conf into a new file, modify it as appropriate, then pass it to Cromwell via:

$ java -Dconfig.file=/path/to/yourOverrides.conf cromwell.jar ...

To create your own configuration file, start by creating a new text file, for example my.conf.

At the start of your file, include the file application.conf at the top before your custom configurations.

# include the application.conf at the top
include required(classpath("application"))

From there, copy or add other configuration values and/or stanzas with your customizations.

# include the application.conf at the top
include required(classpath("application"))

# Add customizations
webservice.port = 58000

Your configuration file can specify configuration as JSON-like stanzas or as dot-separated values. These next two examples are are equivalent.

JSON-like stanza:

include required(classpath("application"))
webservice {
  port = 8000
  interface =

Dot-separated values:

include required(classpath("application"))
webservice.port = 8000
webservice.interface =

Configuration via command line

In addition to using configuration files, you can use dot-separated configuration names to specify values directly on the Java command line:

$ java -Dwebservice.port=8080 cromwell.jar ...

Advanced configuration

WARNING: These advanced configuration values can significantly affect the performance of Cromwell.


By default the Cromwell server will bind to on port 8000.
You can then access it through a browser at http://localhost:8000.
To change these settings, simply edit the following values in your configuration file:

webservice {
  port = 9000
  interface =

The above configuration will use port 9000.

Cromwell uses akka-http to serve requests. For more advanced configuration settings, refer to the akka-http documentation.

For example, to increase the request timeout to 30 seconds you can add this stanza to your configuration file:

akka.http.server.request-timeout = 30s


I/O Throttling

Certain backends impose I/O limits. For example the Pipelines API imposes a quota on the number of queries that can be made per second.

You can effectively control and throttle the number of requests and resources allocated to those operations in the system.io configuration:

system.io {
  number-of-requests = 100000
  per = 100 seconds

I/O Resilience

I/O operations can fail for a number of reason from network failures to server errors. Some of those errors are not fatal and can be retried.

Cromwell will retry I/O operations on such retryable errors, for a limited number of times before giving up and failing. This number (more precisely the number of attempts that will be made) can be set using the following configuration option:

system.io {
  number-of-attempts = 5


Max Concurrent Workflows

Cromwell has a configurable cap on the number of workflows running at a time. You can adjust the limit from the default 5000 by setting:

system.max-concurrent-workflows = 5000

New Workflow Poll Rate

Cromwell will look for new workflows to start on a regular interval, configured as a number of seconds. You can change the polling rate from the default 20 seconds by editing the value:

system.new-workflow-poll-rate = 20

Max Workflow Launch Count

On every poll, Cromwell will take at limited number of new submissions, provided there are new workflows to launch and the system.max-concurrent-workflows number has not been reached. While the default is to launch up to 1 workflow, you can override this by setting:

system.max-workflow-launch-count = 1

Abort configuration

Cromwell will scan for abort requests using default configuration values equivalent to those below. In most circumstances there shouldn't be a need to override these defaults.

system {
  abort {
    # How frequently Cromwell should scan for aborts.
    scan-frequency: 30 seconds

    # The cache of in-progress aborts. Cromwell will add entries to this cache once a WorkflowActor has been messaged to abort.
    # If on the next scan an 'Aborting' status is found for a workflow that has an entry in this cache, Cromwell will not ask
    # the associated WorkflowActor to abort again.
    cache {
      # Guava cache concurrency.
      concurrency: 1
      # How long entries in the cache should live from the time they are added to the cache.
      ttl: 20 minutes
      # Maximum number of entries in the cache.
      size: 100000


Using a MySQL Database

Cromwell tracks the execution of workflows and stores outputs of task invocations in a SQL database. Cromwell supports either an external MySQL database, or a temporary in-memory database.

By default, Cromwell uses an in-memory database which will only live for the duration of the JVM. This provides a quick way to run workflows locally without having to set up MySQL, though it also makes workflow executions somewhat transient.

To configure Cromwell to instead point to a MySQL database, first create the empty database. In the example below, the database name is cromwell.

Then, edit your configuration file database stanza, as follows:

database {
  profile = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
  db {
    driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://host/cromwell?rewriteBatchedStatements=true"
    user = "user"
    password = "pass"
    connectionTimeout = 5000

To see the full list of possible parameters and values for the db stanza see the slick documentation.

Cromwell server on MySQL Database

You can use docker-compose to link together a Cromwell docker image (built locally with sbt docker or available on Dockerhub) with a MySQL docker image.

To change the version of Cromwell used, change the tag in compose/cromwell/Dockerfile.


docker-compose up from this directory will start a Cromwell server running on a MySQL instance with local backend.

The default configuration file used can be found at compose/cromwell/app-config/application.conf. To override it, simply mount a volume containing your custom application.conf to /app-config (see jes-cromwell/docker-compose.yml for an example).

Google Cloud

The jes-cromwell directory is an example of how to customize the original compose file with a configuration file and environment variables.

It uses the application default credentials of the host machine. To use it make sure your gcloud is up to date and that your application-default credentials are set up.

Then run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jes-cromwell/docker-compose.yml up to start a Cromwell server with a Google Cloud backend on MySQL.


The data directory in the MySQL container is mounted to compose/mysql/data, which allows the data to survive a docker-compose down.

To disable this feature, simply remove the ./compose/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql line in the volume section of docker-compose.yml.

Note that in such case, the data will still be preserved by a docker-compose stop that stops the container but doesn't delete it.


To run Cromwell in the background, add -d at the end of the command: docker-compose up -d.

To then see the logs for a specific service, run docker-compose logs -f <service>. For example docker-compose logs -f cromwell.

For more information about docker compose: Docker compose doc.

Insert Batch Size

Cromwell queues up and then inserts batches of records into the database for increased performance. You can adjust the number of database rows batch inserted by Cromwell as follows:

database {
  insert-batch-size = 2000

Separate Metadata Database

This feature should be considered experimental and likely to change in the future.

Cromwell stores metadata about each job and workflow intended. This metadata is intended for end users, and includes paths to job results, start and end times, etc. The metadata grows at a significantly faster rate than the rest of the internal engine data.

To use a separate database for metadata, under the database config section, configure a sub-path for metadata with custom settings.

database {
  # Store metadata in a file on disk that can grow much larger than RAM limits.
  metadata {
    profile = "slick.jdbc.HsqldbProfile$"
    db {
      driver = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"
      url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:metadata-db-file-path;shutdown=false;hsqldb.tx=mvcc"
      connectionTimeout = 3000

If no override is found for metadata, Cromwell falls back to using the settings under the root database configuration.

Database Time Zones

Cromwell's default configuration assumes that its MySQL database is set to UTC.

The following MySQL configurations typically default to UTC and work with Cromwell out of the box: - Google CloudSQL - An official MySQL image running in Docker

These configurations may use the system, or local, time zone instead: - MySQL installed natively on a workstation or server

If Cromwell fails to start with a message like

The server time zone value 'XXX' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone.

you can resolve the problem by adding the option &serverTimezone=UTC to your database connection URL:

url = "jdbc:mysql://host/cromwell?rewriteBatchedStatements=true&serverTimezone=UTC"

Using this option does not alter your database's underlying timezone; rather, it causes Cromwell to "speak UTC" when communicating with the DB, and the DB server performs the conversion for you.

Using Cromwell with Postgresql

To use Postgresql as the database, you will need to install and enable the Large Object extension. If the extension is present, setting up the database requires just these commands:

$ createdb cromwell
$ psql -d cromwell -c "create extension lo;"

Postgresql configuration in Cromwell is very similar to MySQL. An example:

database {
  profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$"
  db {
    driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cromwell"
    user = "user"
    password = "pass"
    port = 5432
    connectionTimeout = 5000

If you want multiple database users to be able to read Cromwell's data from a Postgresql database, you'll need to create a role that all relevant users have access to, and adjust Cromwell to use this role. This is because each Large Object is owned by, and only readable by, the role that wrote it.

First, pass these options when executing Cromwell. They will ensure that Cromwell's database tables are owned by the role, not the initial login user. * -DengineSharedCromwellDbRole=your_role to control the role that owns the engine tables * -DsharedCromwellDbRole=your_role to control the role that owns the metadata tables

Next, use the config key pgLargeObjectWriteRole to set the role that should own all large objects, as shown below. This config will have no effect if you aren't using Postgresql. The configured login user can be any user that is granted the shared role.

database {
  profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$"
  pgLargeObjectWriteRole = "your_role"
  db {
    driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
    url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cromwell"
    user = "user"
    password = "pass"
    port = 5432
    connectionTimeout = 5000

Using Cromwell with file-based database (No server required)

SQLite is currently not supported. However, HSQLDB does support running with a persistence file. To set this up the following configuration can be used:

database {
  profile = "slick.jdbc.HsqldbProfile$"
  db {
    driver = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"
    url = """
    connectionTimeout = 120000
    numThreads = 1

Explanation of the options (see also http://hsqldb.org/doc/2.0/guide/dbproperties-chapt.html):

  • jdbc:hsqldb:file:cromwell-executions/cromwell-db/cromwell-db; This will make sure all persistence files will end up in a folder cromwell-db inside cromwell-executions.
  • shutdown=false. This makes sure the database will not be shutdown unless Cromwell explicitly does so.
  • hsqlldb.default_table_type=cached. By default hsqldb uses in memory tables, this will ensure data is written to disk and decrease memory usage.
  • hsqldb.result_max_memory_rows=10000 . Limits the amount of rows in memory for temp tables.
  • hsqldb.tx=mvcc this is a cromwell default for running with hsqldb.
  • hsqldb.large_data=true. Cromwell creates huge DBs that need to be opened.
  • hsqldb.applog=1. Log errors relating to the database.
  • hsqldb.lob_compressed=true. Compress lobs. This saves some space. Do note that lobs are compressed individually. The total database will still contain a lot of redundancy because a lot of lobs will be similar.
  • hsqldb.script_format=3. Compress script. (uses gzip internally). The script can still be opened normally after decompressing with gzip.
  • connectionTimeout = 120000 opening the large database files again when running cromwell will take some time. The default timeout of 3000 ms (3s) is not enough. So it is set to 120000ms (120s).
  • numThreads = 1. This will limit the CPU usage of Cromwell, which can be useful in HPC environments.

Comparison to MySQL (or PostgreSQL) server: Advantages:

  • No need to set up a server
  • No worries about database users, passwords and permissions. This will be handled by filesystem permissions.


  • Cromwell requires more memory
  • The database files will consume a lot of disk space (multiple gigabytes are not uncommon)
  • Cromwell's interaction with the database is slower.

Comparison to the default in-memory database: Advantages:

  • Much less memory needed.
  • Call-caching enabled


  • Slower.


Control-C (SIGINT) abort handler

For backends that support aborting jobs, Cromwell can be configured to automatically try to abort all calls when it receives a Control-C, also known as SIGINT. All currently running calls will also set their status to Aborted.

To explicitly turn this feature on or off, set the configuration option:

system {

Or, via -Dsystem.abort-jobs-on-terminate=true command line option.

By default, this value is false when running java -jar cromwell.jar server, and true when running java -jar cromwell.jar run <workflow source> <inputs>.

Read the Abort section to learn more about how abort works.

Call caching

Call Caching allows Cromwell to detect when a job has been run in the past so it doesn't have to re-compute results.
To learn more see Call Caching.

To enable Call Caching, add the following to your Cromwell configuration:

call-caching {
  enabled = true
  invalidate-bad-cache-results = true

When call-caching.enabled=true (default: false), Cromwell will be able to to reference or copy results from previously run jobs (when appropriate). When invalidate-bad-cache-results=true (default: true), Cromwell will invalidate any cache results which contain files that cannot be accessed within a cache-hit. This is usually desired, but might be unwanted if this failure occurs for external reasons, such as a difference in user authentication.

Cromwell also accepts Workflow Options to override the cache read/write behavior.

Local filesystem options

When running a job on the Config (Shared Filesystem) backend, Cromwell provides some additional options in the backend's config section:

      config {
        filesystems {
          local {
            # When localizing a file, what type of file duplication should occur. 
            # possible values: "hard-link", "soft-link", "copy", "cached-copy".
            # For more information check: https://cromwell.readthedocs.io/en/stable/backends/HPC/#shared-filesystem
            localization: [
              "hard-link", "soft-link", "copy"

            caching {
              # When copying a cached result, what type of file duplication should occur. 
              # possible values: "hard-link", "soft-link", "copy", "cached-copy".
              # For more information check: https://cromwell.readthedocs.io/en/stable/backends/HPC/#shared-filesystem
              # Attempted in the order listed below:
              duplication-strategy: [
                "hard-link", "soft-link", "copy"

              # Possible values: md5, xxh64, fingerprint, path, path+modtime
              # For extended explanation check: https://cromwell.readthedocs.io/en/stable/Configuring/#call-caching
              # "md5" will compute an md5 hash of the file content.
              # "xxh64" will compute an xxh64 hash of the file content. Much faster than md5
              # "fingerprint" will take last modified time, size and hash the first 10 mb with xxh64 to create a file fingerprint.
              # This strategy will only be effective if the duplication-strategy (above) is set to "hard-link", as copying changes the last modified time.
              # "path" will compute an md5 hash of the file path. This strategy will only be effective if the duplication-strategy (above) is set to "soft-link",
              # in order to allow for the original file path to be hashed.
              # "path+modtime" will compute an md5 hash of the file path and the last modified time. The same conditions as for "path" apply here.
              # Default: "md5"
              hashing-strategy: "md5"

              # When the 'fingerprint' strategy is used set how much of the beginning of the file is read as fingerprint. 
              # If the file is smaller than this size the entire file will be read.
              # Default: 10485760 (10MB). 
              fingerprint-size: 10485760

              # When true, will check if a sibling file with the same name and the .md5 extension exists, and if it does, use the content of this file as a hash.
              # If false or the md5 does not exist, will proceed with the above-defined hashing strategy.
              # Default: false
              check-sibling-md5: false

Call cache strategy options for local filesystem

  • hash based options. These read the entire file. These strategies work with containers.
    • xxh64 (community-supported*). This uses the 64-bit implementation of the xxHash algorithm. This algorithm is optimized for file integrity hashing and provides a more than 10x speed improvement over md5.
    • md5. The well-known md5sum algorithm
  • Path based options. These are based on filepath. Extremely lightweight, but only work with the soft-link file caching strategy and can therefore do not work with containers by default.
    • path creates a md5 hash of the path.
    • path+modtime creates a md5 hash of the path and its modification time.
  • Fingerprinting. This strategy works with containers.
    • fingerprint (community-supported) tries to create a fingerprint for each file by taking its last modified time (milliseconds since epoch in hexadecimal) + size (bytes in hexadecimal) + the xxh64 sum of the first 10 MB* of the file. It is much more lightweight than the hash based options while still unique enough that collisions are unlikely. This strategy works well for workflows that generate multi-gigabyte files and where hashing these files on the cromwell instance provides CPU or I/O problems. NOTE: This strategy requires hard-linking as a dupliation strategy, as copying changes the last modified time.

(*) The fingerprint and xxh64 strategies are features that are community supported by Cromwell's HPC community. There is no official support from the core Cromwell team.

(**) This value is configurable.

Workflow log directory

To change the directory where Cromwell writes workflow logs, change the directory location via the setting:

workflow-options {
    workflow-log-dir = "cromwell-workflow-logs"

Preserving Workflow Logs

By default Cromwell erases the per workflow logs when the workflow completes to reduce disk usage. You can change this behavior by setting the following value to false:

workflow-options {
    workflow-log-temporary = true

Exception monitoring via Sentry

Cromwell supports Sentry which is a service that can be used to monitor exceptions reported in an application’s logs.

To enable Sentry monitoring in Cromwell, enter your DSN URL using the system property:


Job shell configuration

Cromwell allows for system-wide or per-backend job shell configuration for running user commands rather than always using the default /bin/bash. To set the job shell on a system-wide basis use the configuration key system.job-shell or on a per-backend basis with <config-key-for-backend>.job-shell. For example:

# system-wide setting, all backends get this
# override for just the Local backend

For the Config backend the value of the job shell will be available in the ${job_shell} variable. See Cromwell's reference.conf for an example of how this is used for the default configuration of the Local backend.

Workflow Heartbeats

Cromwell ID

Each Cromwell instance is assigned a cromwell_id. By default, the Cromwell ID is cromid-<7_digit_random_hex>. A custom identifier may replace the "cromid" portion of the string. For example:

system {
  cromwell_id = "main"

This would generates a cromwell_id of main-<7_digit_random_hex>. Each time Cromwell restarts the random part of the ID will change, however the main prefix would remain the same.

If the random part of the Cromwell ID should not be generated, set the configuration value:

system {
  cromwell_id_random_suffix = false

Heartbeat TTL

When a Cromwell instance begins running or resuming a workflow it stores the above cromwell_id within the database row for the workflow, along with a timestamp called the "heartbeat". As the workflow continues to run the Cromwell instance will intermittently update the heartbeat for the running workflow. If the Cromwell dies, after some time-to-live (TTL), the workflow has been abandoned, and will be resumed by another available Cromwell instance.

Adjust the heartbeat TTL via the configuration value:

system.workflow-heartbeats {
  ttl = 10 minutes

The default TTL is 10 minutes. The shortest allowable value for the TTL option is 10 seconds.

Heartbeat Interval

The interval for writing heartbeats may be adjusted via:

system.workflow-heartbeats {
  heartbeat-interval = 2 minutes

The default interval is 2 minutes. The shortest interval option is 3.333 seconds. The interval may not be greater than the TTL.

Heartbeat Failure Shutdown

Cromwell will automatically shutdown when unable to write heartbeats for a period of time. This period of time may be adjusted via:

system.workflow-heartbeats {
  write-failure-shutdown-duration = 5 minutes

The default shutdown duration is 5 minutes. The maximum allowed shutdown duration is the TTL.

Heartbeat Batch Size

Workflow heartbeats are internally queued by Cromwell and written in batches. When the configurable batch size is reached, all of the heartbeats within the batch will be written at the same time, even if the heartbeat interval has not elapsed.

This batch threshold may be adjusted via:

system.workflow-heartbeats {
  write-batch-size = 100

The default batch size is 100.

Heartbeat Threshold

Cromwell writes one batch of workflow heartbeats at a time. While the internal queue of heartbeats-to-write passes above a configurable threshold then instrumentation may send a metric signal that the heartbeat load is above normal.

This threshold may be configured via the configuration value:

system.workflow-heartbeats {
  write-threshold = 100

The default threshold value is 100, just like the default for the heartbeat batch size.


Maximum number of nodes

Cromwell will throw an error when detecting cyclic loops in Yaml inputs. However one can craft small acyclic YAML documents that consume significant amounts of memory or cpu. To limit the amount of processing during parsing, there is a limit on the number of nodes parsed per YAML document.

This limit may be configured via the configuration value:

yaml {
  max-nodes = 1000000

The default limit is 1,000,000 nodes.

Maximum nesting depth

There is a limit on the maximum depth of nested YAML. If you decide to increase this value, you will likely need to also increase the Java Virtual Machine's thread stack size as well using either -Xss or -XX:ThreadStackSize.

This limit may be configured via the configuration value:

yaml {
  max-depth = 1000

The default limit is a maximum nesting depth of 1,000.